Oct 24, 2022

15 Things to Avoid to Retain Your Car's Value

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Keeping up with oil changes, tire rotations & fluid levels is critical. Ignoring these maintenance tasks will lead to premature wear and tear, decreasing your car’s value.
  2. If you’re tempted to skip an oil change or drive too fast, remember that it could cost you when it comes time to sell.
  3. Don’t neglect your car’s exterior. Washing and waxing regularly will help to maintain its finish and prevent rust.
  4. Be careful of aftermarket modifications. Often, these can devalue your car, particularly if they are not well-executed.
  5. Taking care of your car increases its value and ensures your safety on the road.

When it comes to cars, depreciation is an inescapable reality. Even the most well-maintained vehicle will lose value over time. There are a few practices that will help slow down the depreciation process & retain your car’s value over time.  

Let’s discover what you need to learn to retain your car’s value!

  1. Driving Recklessly or Carelessly

This includes things like speeding, tailgating, and hard braking. It’s not only dangerous, but it also affects your car’s engine and brakes. Over time, this can lead to expensive repairs, reducing your car’s value.

  1. Not Parking In the Garage

It’s crucial to protect your car from the elements. Parking in a garage or covered parking lot will help keep your car’s paint and upholstery in good condition.

  1. Skipping Maintenance

Of course, keeping your car clean is only part of the equation — you also need to ensure you’re staying on top of all the necessary maintenance. This means everything from regularly checking and changing your oil to providing your tires are properly inflated and that all your fluid levels are where they should be.

  1. Not Keeping It Clean, Both Inside and Out

Keeping your car cabin clean will help you retain your car’s value. A vehicle that’s been well-maintained and free of dents, scratches, and other damage will always be worth more. The same goes for the car’s interiors — a messy or cluttered cabin will make potential buyers think you’ve taken care of it.

  1. Idling for Too Long

Idling can waste a lot of gas and damage your engine. If you’re going to be stopped for more than a minute or two, it’s best to turn off your engine. Besides wasting gas, idling can also damage your car’s engine.

  1. Eating in Your Car 

Eating in your car is one of the quickest ways to make it look messy and cluttered. If you’re trying to sell your vehicle or trade it in, a potential buyer will be turned off by a messy interior. 

  1. Getting Too Many Speeding Tickets

Speeding tickets not only add points to your driving record but can also increase your insurance rates

If you accumulate enough points, you could even lose your license. So, it’s best to avoid speeding altogether if you want to keep your car’s value high.

  1. Letting Your Gas Tank Get Low

Running out of gas not only causes inconvenience but can also damage your car. When your tank is low, the sediment settled at the bottom can get into the engine and clog it up. So, keep your tank at least half full at all times.

  1. Using Your Car as A Storage Space

This means no piling up junk in the backseat or trunk. Not only does this make your car look cluttered and unkempt, but it can also damage the interior upholstery. If you must store things in your car, invest in good-quality storage bins to keep everything organized.

  1. Not Washing, Waxing, and Vacuuming Regularly

Waxing and washing your car regularly will help protect the paint and finish. Vacuuming will remove dirt and debris that can damage your car’s upholstery. Regular cleaning will help keep your car’s finish looking new and prevent rusting.

  1. Smoking Inside Your Car

Cigarette smoke leaves an unpleasant smell, stains upholstery, and discolors the paint. If you must smoke, do it outside & away from your car.

  1. Customizing Your Car Too Much

Avoid aftermarket modification. While a few personal touches here and there won’t hurt, going overboard with customizations can decrease your car’s value. Potential buyers may not share your taste and could be turned off by excessive modifications.

Read: 7 Auto Mods To Increase Your Car’s Value

  1. Drinking and Driving

Drinking and driving put your life at risk and can lead to costly repairs if you’re involved in an accident. Plus, you could face hefty fines and even jail time if caught driving under the influence. So, please don’t do it.

  1. Not Keeping Your Car Covered

If you don’t have a garage, ensure you’re at least investing in a quality car cover. This will help protect your car’s paint & finish from the elements parked outside.

  1. Careless When Loading and Unloading

It’s easy to be careless when you’re loading and unloading items into and out of your car, but this can actually damage you. Make sure you’re being mindful of how you’re handling things, so you don’t end up scratching or denting your car.

Explore the winter car care tips. 


If you don’t keep up with these things, it will show when you go to sell the car — and not in a good way. A potential buyer who sees that you haven’t been taking care of basic maintenance will think that you haven’t taken care of anything else.

Brownsville Toyota, serving Brownsville, TX, has a wide variety of services to offer, from routine maintenance to more complex repairs. No matter what your car needs, we’re here to help.

We want to ensure your car feels new every time you get behind the wheel. Our team is factory-trained and ASE-certified, so we know how to care for your vehicle properly. You can trust our team of professional mechanics to do the job right – and we’ll always work hard to ensure you’re happy with our service.

Schedule a service appointment today!